At the Esrog Warehouse of Queens after our Elul limud of Arbah Minim
Rabbi Doniel Glatstein after giving a pre-Rosh Hashana shmuess
Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman (Mashgiach of Yeshiva Ohr Hachaim)
R' Yisroel Shlomo Goldfinger
author of "Coming Closer" speaking before Yom Kippur
R' Dovid Fohrman
Mishmar by R' Aryeh Strickoff author of "Inside Chanukah" & "Inside Purim"
R' Eli Eleff
Rabbi Meir Gavriel Elbaz giving shiur on how to pick the best Arba Minim
Rosh Kollel visits Yeshiva
Rav Yaron Weisberg with a Dating Shmuess
Rav Chaim Schwartz of the Queens Vaad post-Pesach Drasha
Rav Aryeh Sokoloff (Rav of Kew Gardens)
Rav Moshe Don Kestenbaum (author of our Mussar seder sefer "Olam Hamiddos")
R' Shmuel Rabinovici
Professor Samuel Derman's ob"m lecture on the Physics of Light to determine if turning on different types of lights on Shabbos would violate a din D'O'rayta or D'Rabanan & its ramifications on our sugya of Amirah L'nachri.